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Euryops chrysanthemoides, commonly known as the African bush daisy, is an evergreen shrub native to Southern Africa. It’s prized for its vibrant, daisy-like yellow flowers that bloom nearly year-round, adding a cheerful splash of color to gardens. This plant typically grows into a compact, densely branched mound, reaching heights of 0.5 to 2 meters. Its leaves are distinctively lobed, resembling oak leaves, and are densely packed, especially on new growth.

This hardy shrub is favored for its adaptability and low-maintenance nature. It thrives in sunny locations with well-drained soil and demonstrates tolerance to heat, moderate drought, and even poor soil conditions. Because of these attributes it is a popular plant in many garden settings. It is found in a wide variety of habitats in its native enviroment, and because of its hardiness, it has also become naturalized in many other regions.

  • Live plant along with a plastic pot.
  • Plant height will be 08-12 inches in 6 inches pot.
  • Plant height will be 24-28 inches in 8 inches pot.
  • Plants nature is outdoor/semi shade, less watering.
  • Assured Safe Delivery With Easy Replacement


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